Monday, October 10, 2016

Christmas Vanished

            December 25th is a day that everyone knows of, it's Christmas. A day where everyone opens gifts with family and decorate their houses with decorations such as reindeer and Santa Claus. The house usually contains a Christmas tree decorated in ornaments and tassels. What would happen if that were all to vanish? No more Christmas. No more ornaments or nativity scenes. No more presents or "holly." What would people do then?

            We would just have to create our own holiday. This holiday would be a celebration of life, it would be on December 26th, like one big birthday party for everyone. People would decorate their houses with balloons and bright colors. Every town would have a big bonfire where everyone brings a dish to pass, and a band is playing. However, there are no gifts. Just bonding time with friends, family and local people.

           The traditions of this season are local parades, and festivities. Everyone has a good time, and there is no drama during this time. People celebrate by writing what they are thankful for about their life and tying it to a balloon and releasing it into the air at midnight. Basically like a bonfire with friends, a time to let loose and be happy. 



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