1. I chose the first option, A Warrior's Cry Against Child Marriage, of Ted Talk. This video is about Memory Banda and the different path that she took over her sister because she knew what she wanted in her life, and refused to go to the initiation camp. Instead, she organized others and asked her community’s leader to issue a bylaw that no girl should be forced to marry before turning 18.
2. This teen is trying to change her culture about teenage marriage. She is trying to make it so other girls in her culture do not have to be sent to an initiation camp and become either pregnant or married. She wanted to create a law to protect women of her country of being rushed into marrying someone. The only hold back of this action is the men of the country. She doesn't only want to change for her country, but on the national level as well.
3. This show creativity because this one woman trying to change the life for other women so that they have the right to choose when they marry. She reached to the leader of her country and proposed to change the legal marriage age from 15 to 18. She is creative by refusing to go to the camp and trying the change the culture's ways.

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