Monday, January 23, 2017

Song VII

           1. The speaker's poet's self-worth and self-image dies in shame before their sight.

           2. The speaker wants to live her life simple and straight.

           3. To make her life simple and straight, the first step she takes is taking off her adornments and downsizing her accessories and such. In stanza one it states, "My song has put off her adornments, she has no pride of dress and decoration," which means she doesn't care what she wears, or what she has anymore. The second step she took was to cut cords with people of a different social group. The speaker says, "Ornaments would mar out union; they would come between thee and me," which means that the accessories impairs their social group. The issue of what she wore comes between her and her social class.

Image result for song vii by rabindranath tagore

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Warrior's Cry Against Child Marriage - Ted Talk

           1. I chose the first option, A Warrior's Cry Against Child Marriage, of Ted Talk. This video is about Memory Banda and the different path that she took over her sister because she knew what she wanted in her life, and refused to go to the initiation camp. Instead, she organized others and asked her community’s leader to issue a bylaw that no girl should be forced to marry before turning 18.

            2. This teen is trying to change her culture about teenage marriage. She is trying to make it so other girls in her culture do not have to be sent to an initiation camp and become either pregnant or married. She wanted to create a law to protect women of her country of being rushed into marrying someone. The only hold back of this action is the men of the country. She doesn't only want to change for her country, but on the national level as well. 

            3. This show creativity because this one woman trying to change the life for other women so that they have the right to choose when they marry. She reached to the leader of her country and proposed to change the legal marriage age from 15 to 18. She is creative by refusing to go to the camp and trying the change the culture's ways.

Image result for a warrior's cry against child marriage

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Because I Could Not Stop for Death

           1. The three things the speaker passes while she was in the carriage are a school where children play, fields of grains, and the setting sun.

           2. The house in which the speaker paused at looks like as it was coming out of the ground. They could barely see the roof, and there were no walls attached to the house.

           3. The house is probably best described as unkept and abandoned. In the fourth stanza, it states that "the roof was scarcely visible," which I interpreted to mean that the roof was barely stable

Image result for because i could not stop for death

Monday, November 28, 2016

Sonnet 73

 1. The three things that speaker says that you can see in him or her are the twilight of such day, glowing of such fire, and his ashes of his youth doth lie/old age. 

 2. The last two lines of the poem are "This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love strong. To love that well, which thou must leave ere long." This means to me that you have to recognize those things to strengthen his love with knowledge that he soon will be left alone because the speaker's fire will be gone. 

 3. If I were to insert line breaks into this poem, I would insert them under every fourth line of the sonnet. So then the poem would now appear:

 "That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, do hang
Upon those boughs which stake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.

In me thou seest the twilight of such day 
As after sunset fadeth in the west, 
Which by and by black night doth take away, 
Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest. 

In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire 
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, 
As the death-bed whereon it must expire 
Consumed with that which it was nourish’d by. 

This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong, 
To love that well which thou must leave ere long. "

I would divide the poem like this because each stanza is built upon each other, and when moved to the next stanza it kind of moves to a next description. It helps me to understand the poem to better sense than if it were just all one "stanza." The last stanza wraps up the whole poem, kind of like a summary of a story. 

Related image   Image result for sonnet 73

Monday, November 21, 2016

Ozymandias Poem

         1.  As the poem as a whole, the phrase "the heart that fed" refers to Ozymandias himself. I came to this conclusion because Ozymandias was the king I take it that Ozymandias was the hand that mocked them, but also the heart that fed.

        2. On how I perceived this poem, the message the poet is trying to express with this poem is that Ozymandias was a bad king. I came to this conclusion because the traveler found Ozymandias sculpture in the desert, and his legs were missing. The way the author described the sculpture was not too nice, so my precision is that the traveler was not a fan.

       3. Ozymandias would be described as a selfish person with a cold heart. I can tell that he wasn't a fan favorite as he reigned as king.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Social Media Affecting Schools?

1.   I agree 100% that social media should be taken into account when enrolling into a college or trade school. A lot can be determined about a person's personality, or character, through their social media posts. Someone can act greatly in person and leave a great impression, but once you take a look at their social media all your perspective on that one person changes. Students do not realize that recruiters and bosses look at your social media. They want to make sure that the person they are enrolling or hiring sets off a good image, and to do so they look on your social media. You may think that one negative post can't hurt anything but when it comes to enrolling in college or being hired for a job it does.

Image result for social media

2. To an extent, I do agree with the observation that people are more worried about being a character, than having character. Everyone in high school wants to be "popular", and to some, in order to be popular, you have to do things out of the ordinary to get yourself noticed by other people. Now, I am not saying that all things that kids do to get noticed are negative, but most of the time their actions put a bad reputation on them.

Image result for popular

3. South Haven High School appears not to have many rules for the use of social media. Other than the fact that you shouldn't be on it during school hours unless told otherwise by a supervisor. , and that's why most of the social media is blocked in the school's wifi. If the use of social media becomes an issue with students, students involved will be disciplined. I believe these rules teach us that being on social media is not permitted in workplaces unless told otherwise. It teaches us, kids, that you can get in trouble for what you have posted on social media, and that you will face the consequences of your actions. This prepares students to think through what they post on social media sights. It makes them think about possible consequences that can occur if they post something negative or 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Loveliest of Trees

1. The speaker views the cherry tree during the months of winter.

2. The speaker decides to the woodland to see the cherry tree covered in snow because his years are now limited. The speaker hints that "twenty will not come again," and, "that only leaves me fifty more."

3. The speaker can best be described as adventurous due to the fact that he tends to visit the cherry tree often. The speaker enjoys going out in nature and viewing the beauty it beholds. He likes to watch things in bloom. "And since to look at things in bloom, fifty springs are little room."

Image result for loveliest of trees